Browsing articles in "tropical fruit"

Dietary Fats, Temperature, and Your Body

Sep 17, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   Alzheimers, brain degeneration, coconut oil, DHA, digestion, EPA, fish oil, functionalps, General, lipid peroxides, omega 3, omega 6, PUFA, Ray Peat, Rob Turner, saturated fats, temperature, thyroid, tropical fruit, vegetable oil  //  Comments Off on Dietary Fats, Temperature, and Your Body
Understanding the function of fats within different organisms is paramount. It’s a simple idea, yet many really smart people with lots of initials behind their name seem to never think about such things. Don’t let education get in the way of your learning. There is much marketing momentum behind some fats, like fish oils and [...]
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