The American Journal of Cardiology (May 1969), 23 (5), pg. 719-722 Sensitization by corn oil for the production of cardiac necroses by various steroids and sodium salts Hans Selye; Árpád Somogyi; Gaston Côté In the rat, the production of extensive and usually fatal myocardial necroses by fluorocortisol or desoxycorticosterone in combination with Na2HPO4 is greatly [...]
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 26: MAY 1973, pp. 524-555. Saturated fat in the diet and serum cholesterol concentration: a critical examination of the literature Raymond Reiser, Ph.D
At birth, the baby’s mitochondria contain a phospholipid, cardiolipin, containing palmitic acid, but as the baby eats foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, the palmitic acid in cardiolipin is replaced by the unsaturated fats. As the cardiolipin becomes more unsaturated, it becomes less stable, and less able to support the activity of the crucial respiratory enzyme, [...]
Adv Shock Res. 1981;6:93-105. Essential fatty acid deficient rats: a new model for evaluating arachidonate metabolism in shock. Cook JA, Wise WC, Knapp DR, Halushka PV. Essential fatty acid deficient (EFAD) rats are significantly more resistant to the lethal effects of S. enteritidis endotoxin (20 mg/kg, IV) than normal control rats. Compared to endotoxin-treated normal [...]
by Barry Groves Have you ever wondered why polyunsaturated margarine has to be kept in a fridge, yet coconut oil can be kept out at room temperature for a year or more without any untoward effects? All fats and oils in Nature are a mixture of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The only difference [...]
by Barry Groves Have you ever wondered why polyunsaturated margarine has to be kept in a fridge, yet coconut oil can be kept out at room temperature for a year or more without any untoward effects? All fats and oils in Nature are a mixture of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The only difference [...]