Browsing articles in "heart disease"

Polyunsaturating America: Mazola’s Marketing

Also see: PUFA Promote Cancer Unsaturated Fats and Heart Damage Gelatin Ads Sugar Ads Errors in Nutrition: Essential Fatty Acids Toxicity of Stored PUFA Dietary PUFA Reflected in Human Subcutaneous Fat Tissue PUFA Accumulation & Aging Maternal PUFA Intake Increases Breast Cancer Risk in Female Offspring Israeli Paradox: High Omega -6 Diet Promotes Disease Benefits […]

Polyunsaturating America: Mazola’s Marketing

Also see: PUFA Promote Cancer Unsaturated Fats and Heart Damage Gelatin Ads Sugar Ads Errors in Nutrition: Essential Fatty Acids Toxicity of Stored PUFA Dietary PUFA Reflected in Human Subcutaneous Fat Tissue PUFA Accumulation & Aging Maternal PUFA Intake Increases Breast Cancer Risk in Female Offspring Israeli Paradox: High Omega -6 Diet Promotes Disease Benefits […]

Polyunsaturating America: Mazola’s Marketing

Also see: PUFA Promote Cancer Unsaturated Fats and Heart Damage Gelatin Ads Sugar Ads Errors in Nutrition: Essential Fatty Acids Toxicity of Stored PUFA Dietary PUFA Reflected in Human Subcutaneous Fat Tissue PUFA Accumulation & Aging Maternal PUFA Intake Increases Breast Cancer Risk in Female Offspring Israeli Paradox: High Omega -6 Diet Promotes Disease Benefits […]

Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart

Jan 18, 2016   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic, atherosclerosis, athlete, bacteria, bacterial infection, cardiovascular disease, cirrohsis, CVD, diabetes, endotoxin, endurance, exercise, fibrosis, General, gram negative bacteria, gym, heart, heart disease, high fat meal, inflammation, intestines, Kupffer cells, lipopolysaccharide, liver, LPS, metabolic syndrome, Ray Peat, sepsis, smoking, sport, stress, training  //  Comments Off on Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart
Also See: Endotoxin: Poisoning from the Inside Out Ray Peat, PhD on Endotoxin Exercise Induced Stress Stress — A Shifting of Resources Exercise and Endotoxemia Carbohydrate Lowers Exercise Induced Stress Low carb + intensive training = fall in testosterone levels Exercise and Effect on Thyroid Hormone Exercise Induced Menstrual Disorders Ray Peat, PhD: Quotes Relating […]

Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart

Jan 18, 2016   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic, atherosclerosis, athlete, bacteria, bacterial infection, cardiovascular disease, cirrohsis, CVD, diabetes, endotoxin, endurance, exercise, fibrosis, General, gram negative bacteria, gym, heart, heart disease, high fat meal, inflammation, intestines, Kupffer cells, lipopolysaccharide, liver, LPS, metabolic syndrome, Ray Peat, sepsis, smoking, sport, stress, training  //  Comments Off on Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart
Also See: Endotoxin: Poisoning from the Inside Out Ray Peat, PhD on Endotoxin Exercise Induced Stress Stress — A Shifting of Resources Exercise and Endotoxemia Carbohydrate Lowers Exercise Induced Stress Low carb + intensive training = fall in testosterone levels Exercise and Effect on Thyroid Hormone Exercise Induced Menstrual Disorders Ray Peat, PhD: Quotes Relating […]

Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart

Jan 18, 2016   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic, atherosclerosis, athlete, bacteria, bacterial infection, cardiovascular disease, cirrohsis, CVD, diabetes, endotoxin, endurance, exercise, fibrosis, General, gram negative bacteria, gym, heart, heart disease, high fat meal, inflammation, intestines, Kupffer cells, lipopolysaccharide, liver, LPS, metabolic syndrome, Ray Peat, sepsis, smoking, sport, stress, training  //  Comments Off on Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart
Also See: Endotoxin: Poisoning from the Inside Out Ray Peat, PhD on Endotoxin Exercise Induced Stress Stress — A Shifting of Resources Exercise and Endotoxemia Carbohydrate Lowers Exercise Induced Stress Low carb + intensive training = fall in testosterone levels Exercise and Effect on Thyroid Hormone Exercise Induced Menstrual Disorders Ray Peat, PhD: Quotes Relating […]

Inflammatory C-Reactive Protein (CRP)

Also see: Endotoxin: Poisoning from the Inside Out Ray Peat, PhD on Endotoxin Exercise and Endotoxemia Anti-Inflammatory Omega -9 Mead Acid (Eicosatrienoic acid) “Systemic metabolic problems make local problems worse, and if a local injury is serious, it can cause the liver to produce stress-related proteins called “acute phase proteins,” including fibrinogen and serum amyloids […]

Barbara Seaman Interview: Birth Control, Menopause, Estrogen Industry

Jul 29, 2013   //   by Team FPS   //   Barbara Seaman, birth control, breast feeding, cancer, DES, diabetes, diethylstilbestrol, estrogen, feminism, General, heart attack, heart disease, hitler, menopause, miscarriage, morning after, nazi, pharma, pharmaceutical industry, premarin, progestin, the pill, women's health, Women's Health Initiative  //  Comments Off on Barbara Seaman Interview: Birth Control, Menopause, Estrogen Industry
Also see: Barbara Seaman Raised Alarms, Answered Every Call The Rise and Fall of Estrogen Therapy: The History of HRT Hormonal profiles in women with breast cancer PUFA Increases Estrogen PUFA Inhibit Glucuronidation PUFA Promote Cancer Maternal PUFA Intake Increases Breast Cancer Risk in Female Offspring Estrogen and Bowel Transit Time Study: Acquired Breast Cancer [...]

Good Fats, Bad Fats: Separating Fact From Fiction

Jun 23, 2013   //   by Team FPS   //   corn oil, General, heart disease, Masterjohn, polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFA, saturated fat, unsaturated fat  //  Comments Off on Good Fats, Bad Fats: Separating Fact From Fiction
Also see: Unsaturated Fats and Heart Damage Israeli Paradox: High Omega -6 Diet Promotes Disease Unsaturated Fats, Oxidative Stress, and Atherosclerosis Thyroid Status and Cardiovascular Disease “Normal” TSH: Marker for Increased Risk of Fatal Coronary Heart Disease A Cure for Heart Disease Hypothyroidism and A Shift in Death Patterns Arachidonic Acid’s Role in Stress and [...]

Good Fats, Bad Fats: Separating Fact From Fiction

Jun 23, 2013   //   by Team FPS   //   corn oil, General, heart disease, Masterjohn, polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFA, saturated fat, unsaturated fat  //  Comments Off on Good Fats, Bad Fats: Separating Fact From Fiction
Also see: Unsaturated Fats and Heart Damage Israeli Paradox: High Omega -6 Diet Promotes Disease Unsaturated Fats, Oxidative Stress, and Atherosclerosis Thyroid Status and Cardiovascular Disease “Normal” TSH: Marker for Increased Risk of Fatal Coronary Heart Disease A Cure for Heart Disease Hypothyroidism and A Shift in Death Patterns Arachidonic Acid’s Role in Stress and [...]
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