Browsing articles in "General"

First, Do No Harm

May 8, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   General  //  Comments Off on First, Do No Harm

RT-PCR Ct Value Case Definition for the Vaccinated

May 3, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   General  //  Comments Off on RT-PCR Ct Value – Case Definition for the Vaccinated
Source The document linked above from the CDC lowers the bar by which the RT-PCR test will find a positive result in vaccinated individuals. Is this an effort to make the vaccines appear more efficacious by lessening the likelihood of false positives and making it harder overall to be considered a positive case in comparison […]

Some people are reporting abnormal periods after a COVID-19 vaccine. U. of I. professor is looking for answers.

May 3, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   General  //  Comments Off on Some people are reporting abnormal periods after a COVID-19 vaccine. U. of I. professor is looking for answers.
By NICOLE STOCKCHICAGO TRIBUNE |APR 20, 2021 AT 5:00 AM When Katy Fyksen got a heavy period a few days after she received her second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, she didn’t consider there might be a link. The 43-year-old Plainfield woman hadn’t had a period in over a year and a half because of her Mirena IUD, […]

Covid-19: Norway investigates 23 deaths in frail elderly patients after vaccination

May 3, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   General  //  Comments Off on Covid-19: Norway investigates 23 deaths in frail elderly patients after vaccination
BMJ 2021; 372 doi: (Published 15 January 2021)Cite this as: BMJ 2021;372:n149 Doctors in Norway have been told to conduct more thorough evaluations of very frail elderly patients in line to receive the Pfizer BioNTec vaccine against covid-19, following the deaths of 23 patients shortly after receiving the vaccine. “It may be a coincidence, but we aren’t sure,” Steinar Madsen, medical […]

Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure In the Making

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   cancer, cell, code, flu, General, genes, genetically modified, genetics, immune system, immunity, influenza, instructions, medicine, messenger RNA, mRNA, mutated DNA, pharma, pharmaceuticals, proteins, vaccination, vaccine  //  Comments Off on Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure In the Making
Here is a 10 minute advertising courtesy of TEDx for new and experimental mRNA technology. mRNA vaccines make the receiver genetically modified. On a side note, cancer not caused by mutated DNA.

The Savior Isn’t Self Care and Good Health

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   allergic, allergy, CDC, community immunity, congress, David Sencer, epidemic, evidence, experts, fear, General, government, health, herd immunity, influenza, inoculation, medicine, pandemic, press conference, Science, scientific, swine flu, vaccination, vaccine  //  Comments Off on The Savior Isn’t Self Care and Good Health
A vaccine from pharma provided with the financial assistance of the US government using tax payer funding can save you from viruses. Review this blog in light of the information presented in this news conference.

WXYZ Channel 7 [Detroit, MI] “Swine Flu Vaccine Problems” (1976)

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   1976, death, flu, General, swine flu, vaccination, vaccine  //  Comments Off on WXYZ Channel 7 [Detroit, MI] – “Swine Flu Vaccine Problems” (1976)
Twelve deaths from heart attack hours after 1976 swine flu vaccination. No connection to the vaccine suggested, however. Deja vu.

WHO’s H1N1 hype: Experts not surprised

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   fear, flu, General, H1N1, hype, influenza, pharma, pharmaceutical industry, vaccine, WHO  //  Comments Off on WHO’s H1N1 hype: Experts not surprised
“There is growing anger against the World Health Organisation (WHO) for reportedly making swine flu pandemic bigger than it really was. Health experts in India say this isn’t the first time WHO has pushed for programmes, even though they are not needed.” Same playbook in 2019-2021 just executed even better thanks to social media.

Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overestimated?

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   cases, false positives, flu, General, H1N1, influenza, swine flu, testing  //  Comments Off on Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overestimated?
Video serves as evidence of precedent for overestimating “cases”, in this case for 2009 swine flu.

Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overestimated?

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   cases, false positives, flu, General, H1N1, influenza, swine flu, testing  //  Comments Off on Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overestimated?
Video serves as evidence of precedent for overestimating “cases”, in this case for 2009 swine flu.
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