Browsing articles in "General"
The toxic effects of excessive intracellular calcium (decreased respiration and increased excitation) are opposed by magnesium. Both thyroid and progesterone improve magnesium retention. Estrogen dominance is often associated with magnesium deficiency, which can be an important factor in osteoporosis (Abraham and Grewal, 1990; Muneyyirci-Delale, et al., 1999). -Ray Peat, PhD J Reprod Med. 1990 May;35(5):503-7. [...]
Hepatology. 1998 Dec;28(6):1720-1. How does estrogen enhance endotoxin toxicity? Let me count the ways. Maher JJ.
Photo Credit milk image by Ewe Degiampietro from Blackheads form when hair follicles on the skin get clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells. Your body produces oil through hair follicles to moisturize and protect the skin and releases it on the surface. When oil builds up, it pools to collect dirt and [...] December 2nd, 2011 Marisol Aponte plays roller derby and is a fitness coach who has learned how to train effectively despite hypothyroidism. Competitive athletes seem unlikely candidates for hypothyroidism, a disease that frequently causes fatigue, depression, and malaise. But some athletes are surprised to learn their dwindling performance and failure to build muscle stems [...]
The achilles tendon reflex can be used to assess thyroid function (Woltman’s Sign).
The achilles tendon reflex can be used to assess thyroid function (Woltman’s Sign). The foot should plantar flex quickly and then return immediately to its starting position or beyond with no hesitation if the metabolism is healthy. No response or a very slow return back to original position are indicative of low metabolism. Minerva Med. [...]
Arch Intern Med. 2008 Apr 28;168(8):855-60. Thyrotropin levels and risk of fatal coronary heart disease: the HUNT study. Asvold BO, Bjøro T, Nilsen TI, Gunnell D, Vatten LJ. BACKGROUND: Recent studies suggest that relatively low thyroid function within the clinical reference range is positively associated with risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD), but the [...]
“Exercise physiologists, without mentioning functional systems, have recently discovered some principles that extend the discoveries of Meerson and Anokhin. They found that “concentric” contraction, that is, causing the muscle to contract against resistance, improves the muscle’s function, without injuring it. (Walking up a mountain causes concentric contractions to dominate in the leg muscles. Walking down [...]
“Japanese women’s relative freedom from breast cancer is independent of soy products: traditional soy foods aren’t the same as those so widely used in the US, for example, soy sauce doesn’t contain the so-called soy estrogens, and tea is used much more commonly in Japan than in the US, and contains health protective ingredients. The [...]
Depressed Development: In a study of prenatal learning (habituation rate), the experimenters found that the relative absence of the supposedly essential fatty acids improved the short term and long term memory of the fetus (Dirix, et al., 2009). The size of the baby was found to be negatively associated with the highly unsaturated fatty acids [...]