Browsing articles in "FPS"

Steve Jobs’ Diet Secrets

Oct 10, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   apple, cancer, digestion, FPS, functionalps, General, omnivore, PUFA, Rob Turner, Simi Valley, steve jobs  //  Comments Off on Steve Jobs’ Diet Secrets
Steve Jobs had a liver transplant and died from complications due to pancreatic cancer. I don’t point this out this case to be condescending in any way, but if you don’t learn from the experience of others you are bound to repeat the same. -FPS Brian Caulfield, 07.24.08, 6:00 AM ET BURLINGAME, CALIF. - Is [...]

Steve Jobs’ Diet Secrets

Oct 10, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   apple, cancer, digestion, FPS, functionalps, General, omnivore, PUFA, Rob Turner, Simi Valley, steve jobs, vegetarian  //  Comments Off on Steve Jobs’ Diet Secrets
Brian Caulfield, 07.24.08, 6:00 AM ET BURLINGAME, CALIF. - Is Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs sick? Apple calls his health a “private matter.” But is he losing weight? Definitely. And in an industry where so many leaders resemble talking sides of beef, Jobs’ trim figure is noticeable. What’s his secret? The skinny, so to speak, [...]

Commentary on Type II Diabetes

Contrary to what is popularly believed, sugar (sucrose) doesn’t cause type II diabetes/insulin resistance. Bernardo Houssay’s work in 1947 (which won him the Nobel Prize in Medicine) on diabetes showed polyunsaturated fats’ causative role in diabetic conditions. In his experiment, saturated fat in the form of coconut oil was very protective as it is in [...]

Commentary on Type 2 Diabetes

“The picture that I think explains many of the features of diabetes is that an energy deficit produces an alarm state, causing increased production of adrenalin and cortisol.” -Ray Peat, PhD Diabetes mellitus results in excessive urination and sugar spilling into the urine. Some individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are diagnosed not based on [...]

Sustainability of 180 Nutrition Program

Jul 19, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   180 Nutrition Program, FPS, functionalps, General, Simi Valley  //  Comments Off on Sustainability of 180 Nutrition Program
Hope you are well. Wanted to shoot you an email to update you. Still doing well. Have reached a point that I can stray and a meal and do fine as long as I am strict before and after. Some veggies I have to just stay away from completely. Weight is stable. Still like what [...]

Part 2: Skin cancers And Ultraviolet radiation

Apr 21, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   Barry Groves, cancer, FPS, functionalps, General, Simi Valley, skin cancer  //  Comments Off on Part 2: Skin cancers — And Ultraviolet radiation
Part 2: Skin cancers — And Ultraviolet radiation by Barry Groves All types of skin cancer are attributed to exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) part of the spectrum of sunlight. UV is classified as three distinct wavebands: A, B and C. They are all believed to contribute to the development of skin cancer. UVA rays [...]

Sunlight Information: Skin Cancers and Vitamin D

Apr 21, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   Barry Groves, FPS, functionalps, General, melanoma, PUFA, Simi Valley, skin cancer, vitamin d  //  Comments Off on Sunlight Information: Skin Cancers and Vitamin D
Sunlight Information: Skin Cancers and Vitamin D by Barry Groves Introduction For the past several decades the numbers of skin cancers, and particularly the deadly one, malignant melanoma, have risen dramatically among Caucasian populations throughout the world. In the USA melanoma is the seventh most commonly diagnosed cancer with a rate of 14.2 cases per [...]

German Volume Training

Apr 18, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   FPS, functionalps, General, German Volume Training, Poliquin, Rob Turner  //  Comments Off on German Volume Training
A new look at an old way to get big and strong by Charles Poliquin Supersets and tri-sets allow you to perform a lot of work in a short period of time. The rest-pause method allows you to use heavier weights so you can recruit the higher-threshold muscle fibers, and eccentric training enables you to [...]

Three Efficient Ways to Put 5 Pounds On in Record Time.

by Charles Poliquin Muscle growth is not a linear process. Give each one of those strategies at least a fair three weeks to show their effects. 1.    Do a calves & forearms workout only, once every 5 days. I suggest you specialize just on calves and forearms for a single hours. Keep rest intervals short. [...]
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