Browsing articles in "fatty acids"

Exercise Induced Stress

Mar 1, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   asthma, athletes, blood, clotting, cytokines, DNA, exercise, fatty acids, General, glucose, glycogen, IL-6, interleukin, prolactin, PUFA, randle cycle, serotonin, stress, tryptophan, viscosity  //  Comments Off on Exercise Induced Stress
Clin J Sport Med. 2001 Jan;11(1):38-43. The acute phase response and exercise: the ultramarathon as prototype exercise. Fallon KE. OBJECTIVE: Controversy exists in relation to the nature of the acute phase response, which is known to occur following endurance exercise. This study was conducted to demonstrate the similarities between this response and the response consequent [...]

PUFA Increases Estrogen

Feb 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   cancer, estrogen, fatty acids, General, nutrition, PUFA  //  Comments Off on PUFA Increases Estrogen
While the competition by PUFA for protein binding sites block the effects of thyroid hormone and vitamin A, the actions of PUFA on sex steroid binding protein (SBP, or SSBG, for sex steroid binding globulin) increases the activity of estrogen. That’s because the SSBG neutralizes estrogen by binding to it, keeping it out of cells; [...]

PUFA Accumulation & Aging

Jan 15, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   age, aging, anti-aging, calorie restriction, DHA, EFA, EPA, eye, fatty acids, FFA, fish oil, General, longevity, PUFA, Ray Peat, retina, saturated fat, unsatuarated fats, youth  //  Comments Off on PUFA – Accumulation & Aging
At birth, the baby’s mitochondria contain a phospholipid, cardiolipin, containing palmitic acid, but as the baby eats foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, the palmitic acid in cardiolipin is replaced by the unsaturated fats. As the cardiolipin becomes more unsaturated, it becomes less stable, and less able to support the activity of the crucial respiratory enzyme, [...]
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