Browsing articles in "Dr. Zondek"

A Cure for Heart Disease

Sep 11, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   atherosclerosis, autopsy, broda barnes, Dr. William Ord, Dr. Zondek, Empress Maria Theresa, functionalps, General, heart disease, hypothyroidism, myxedema, Sheldon Zerden  //  Comments Off on A Cure for Heart Disease
Sheldon Zerden The Epoch Times Sat, 12 Feb 2011 19:09 CST The cholesterol myth and the trillion-dollar industry that has developed to treat cardiovascular disease is a formidable obstacle to overcome for those who would rather prevent heart attacks than treat the symptoms with bypass surgery, angioplasty, stenting, and cholesterol-lowering drugs. In 1790, Empress Maria [...]
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