Browsing articles in "cell"

Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure In the Making

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   cancer, cell, code, flu, General, genes, genetically modified, genetics, immune system, immunity, influenza, instructions, medicine, messenger RNA, mRNA, mutated DNA, pharma, pharmaceuticals, proteins, vaccination, vaccine  //  Comments Off on Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure In the Making
Here is a 10 minute advertising courtesy of TEDx for new and experimental mRNA technology. mRNA vaccines make the receiver genetically modified. On a side note, cancer not caused by mutated DNA.

ATP Regulates Cell Water

Jun 29, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   ATP, cardinal adsorbent, cell, General, Gilbert Ling, membrane, membrane pumps, water  //  Comments Off on ATP Regulates Cell Water
Science 23 January 1976: Vol. 191 no. 4224 pp. 293-295 What retains water in living cells? GN Ling, CL Walton Three types of evidence are presented showing that the retention of cell water does not necessarily depend on the possession of an intact cell membrane. The data agree with the concept that water retention in [...]
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