Browsing articles in "autism"

Serotonin and Autism Connection

Mar 21, 2013   //   by Team FPS   //   autism, General, pregnancy, serotonin, tryptophan  //  Comments Off on Serotonin and Autism Connection
Also see: Hypothyroidism and Serotonin Estrogen Increases Serotonin Tryptophan Metabolism: Effects of Progesterone, Estrogen, and PUFA Omega -3 “Deficiency” Decreases Serotonin Producing Enzyme Serotonin Reuptake ENHANCER as Anti-Depressant Therapeutic Effects of Bromocriptine Acute Appendicitis and Serotonin Enzyme to Know: Tryptophan Hydroxylase Serotonin and Melatonin Lower Progesterone Role of Serotonin in Preeclampsia Med Hypotheses. 2010 May;74(5):880-3. [...]
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