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Am J Gastroenterol. 1994 Jun;89(6):915-23. The contribution of vitamin K2 (menaquinones) produced by the intestinal microflora to human nutritional requirements for vitamin K. Conly JM, Stein K, Worobetz L, Rutledge-Harding S. BACKGROUND: Coagulopathy manifest by elevation of the prothrombin time (PT) in patients receiving broad spectrum antimicrobials indirectly suggests a role for intestinal microflora synthesized [...]
Broda Barnes, more than 60 years ago, summed up the major effects of hypothyroidism on health very neatly when he pointed out that if hypothyroid people don’t die young from infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, they die a little later from cancer or heart disease. -Ray Peat, PhD A low metabolism affects ALL bodily systems. [...]
-Consult a medical professional regarding all things related to your health. “When I moved from Mexico, first to Montana and then to Oregon in 1966, I became very conscious of how light affects the hormones and the health. (For example, in Montana I experienced an interesting springtime shedding of body hair.) Many people who came [...]