“Coconut oil serves several purposes. Its butyric acid is known to increase T3 uptake by glial cells. It has a general pro-thyroid action, for example by diluting and displacing antithyroid unsaturated oils, its short-and medium-chain fatty acids sustain blood sugar and have anti-allergic actions, and it protects mitochondria against stress injury.” “When added to a [...]
At birth, the baby’s mitochondria contain a phospholipid, cardiolipin, containing palmitic acid, but as the baby eats foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, the palmitic acid in cardiolipin is replaced by the unsaturated fats. As the cardiolipin becomes more unsaturated, it becomes less stable, and less able to support the activity of the crucial respiratory enzyme, [...]
J Am Geriatr Soc. 1976 Jul;24(7):301-7. Free radical theory of aging: effect of dietary fat on central nervous system function. Harman D, Hendricks S, Eddy DE, Seibold J. Free radical reactions have been implicated in aging. A rise in the level of random free radical reactions in a biologic system might have a greater effect [...]
“Not only is the mitochondria DNA inherited solely from the mother, but this DNA suffers progressive damage throughout women’s lives. The damage results in further mutations in the mitchondrial DNA. These mutations are cumulative and therefore, increase in number with each successive generation. In other work, each new generation escaping the rigors of the survival [...]