Posts by Team FPS:
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency loosened rules for a program that reimburses funeral costs of up to $9,000 per death linked to Covid-19.
- Early in the pandemic, death certificates may not have listed the coronavirus as a cause of death due to limited availability of testing and less knowledge about the virus.
- FEMA’s tweak offers funds to families in some cases without having a death certificate amended.
- Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is invalid since other efficacious treatments are/were available. But those treatments are met with censorship, bullying, and threats. Pharma is hungry for new drug patents. The EUA opened the door pharma needed to usher in a new generation of vaccines and corresponding patents.
- Wash hands frequently, but wear a dirty mask on your face? Fauci was right to begin with about masks (i.e. they’re not a good public policy and science doesn’t support them 1, 2)
- Response varies by state in accordance with the political party of the governor. Completely open in some states while others use authoritarian lockdown tactics.
- Vaccines are “safe and effective” yet manufacturers aren’t held liable for death and injury. Obvious hypocrisy. Considerably more risk is taken by companies when they pay no price for being wrong at others’ expense.
- Large number of break-through cases of the vaccinated suggest vaccines are not effective. The need for a booster suggests further ineffectiveness and great potential of public harm due to a lack of long-term human study of the effect of the initial vaccine and subsequent booster(s). Keep an eye on Israel; Israel already doing Pfizer “booster. How many boosters will the vaccinated need? It’s currently three Pfizer shots in Israel. Who has studied mRNA vaccines on humans with multiple shots over multiple months and years?
- VAERS shows vaccines not to be safe despite an around-the-clock propaganda marketing campaign saying otherwise. If the argument against injury is that “it’s only a small percentage of people being injured”, you can use the same argument for percentage of deaths from Cv19 given the very high survival rate especially in those under 50.
- The U.S. and state governments are doing advertising for publicly-traded companies. Let Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson market their products. Tax payer dollars shouldn’t go towards vaccine marketing and vaccine hesitancy. #pharmaprivilege
- Vaccines are said to be “safe and effective” by the judgment of the vaccine manufacturers themselves. The FDA does not do any testing; they only review the data provided by the drug manufacturer. Trial data is notorious for manipulation. This is an obvious conflict of interest. “The Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective.” -Pfizer
- PC-R test is not standardized for cycle threshold, is grossly inaccurate at higher cycle thresholds, and cannot distinguish between influenza and the novel virus (link).
- Prophylactics are completely absent from the narrative offered by the US government, local “health officials”, and the talking head physicians and experts on mainstream media. Does anyone offering health advice actually know about health? Health mysteriously revolves solely around pharmaceutical intervention(s).
- Why are the homeless largely unscathed by this novel virus? Despite drug use, unsanitary conditions, malnutrition, and high stress, the homeless are not falling ill and dying in droves. (1, 2, 3, 4)
- Why are children largely not susceptible to this novel virus? Isn’t this the crux of the issue? A healthy populace is not susceptible to infection nor infection progressing to disease.
- Fauci flip flops numerous times yet is still looked upon as a leader to whom to trust. Credibility is zero.
- Randomized controlled trials show masks to be ineffective 1, 2.
- Discrimination and segregation by vaccination status is no more moral than discrimination or segregation by race, which is prohibited by the Fourteenth Amendment.
- Experimental medical treatment without consent is forbidden by the Nuremberg Code. Long-term studies are completely absent for the currently available mRNA and traditional vaccines, and the short-term safety is not promising given the VAERS injury and death reporting.
- Prior mRNA vaccines were all rejected due to safety concerns. The non-mRNA vaccines aren’t any more safe given the issues with blood clotting (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson).
- Individuals reporting their experience with vaccine injury are being censored and shadow banned on Instagram and other platforms. Banners over the vaccine injured posts saying vaccines are “safe and effective” is not going to age well for social media platforms. Ignoring the vaccine injured is not moral nor scientific.
- Moderna is a rookie product manufacturer. Never have they had a product distributed to the public before this EAU. A new technology from a new company signed off via emergency use is not a good recipe.
- Fauci signed off on the funding the Wuhan Virology Lab that leaked the evil gain-of-function virus. He is now the leader of the response to the virus in the United States. What do people actually have to do in government to be terminated besides sexual harassment?
- The vaccine injured are left to pay for medical bills since manufacturers cannot be held liable.
- The “follow the science” crowd is remarkably lacking in actually providing citations for their beliefs. It’s more like “follow what my TV tells me”.
- “Safe and effective” is propaganda marketing campaign, not an actual reality.
- Since long-term studies on humans or animals do not exist, the issue of effectiveness is an unknown. Safe is impossible thanks to VAERS.
- Pfizer has a history of making false claims about products. Pfizer paid the second largest settlement in history for violation of the False Claims Act regarding lies about four FDA approved products: Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, and Lyrica. Credibility for self reporting of product efficacy and safety is poor.
- How can the public differentiate between good and bad information if all information isn’t available for review, especially when the censorship is so one sided? The censorship of alternative treatments, prophylactics, and injury from the “safe and effective” vaccines makes informed consent by the public impossible.
- Does vaccination make biological response to future variants worse? Does vaccination cause more variants to form or form more rapidly?
- Why does the only solution for Cv19 involve a pharmaceutical intervention? Are there any tools in the medical tool box besides pharma?
- Is natural success defeating the virus and variants superior or inferior to the available vaccines?
- Do those who regained health following infection need a vaccination?
- Politicians often aren’t following their own advice. Poor leadership. Low credibility.
- mRNA vaccines are a new technology, never before used on the public. Can the body turn off the instructions from the mRNA vaccine or is the change permanent?
- Who is the control group? Moderna “immunized” nearly their entire control group (1). Without a means of comparison, how you can actually test efficacy. Follow the faux science.
- Southern US border is porous. Border containment areas for immigrants not following or are unable to follow Cv19 rules and regulations.
- Gain-of-function research has profit aspirations via new product and new market creation. Research Ralph Baric and Peter Daszack. A pandemic from a novel virus opens a new market for pharma and reinvigorates the vaccine market with mRNA vaccine technology which will be heavily marketed and used in the years to come. The EUA opened the doors.
- CDC has financial ties with Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson creating conflict of interest.
- Collusion between government, pharma, TV media, online media sources, and tech companies skew information available to the public in one direction. The vaccines are rarely reported about in a bad light.
- Politicizing vaccine down party lines – Trump supporters aren’t taking vaccine. Biden supporters are. Political party does not relate in a linear fashion to medical and health freedom. You can find Trump supporters that got the vaccine, and Biden voters that didn’t.
- My body, your choice? What happens to the my body, my choice argument for abortion or any other health-related decision if the choice for American adults is revoked for Cv19 vaccination? Can’t have it both ways.
- The threat of infection and disease progression varies depending on health status. Those with obesity and pre-existing conditions being under the most threat (just like those groups are for any infection).
- There isn’t a need for a vaccine for the non-obese and those without pre-existing conditions due to a survival rate near 100%. If the argument is you need a vaccine to protect others, the vaccinated are still spreading the virus (see Israel). The only marginally sound argument would be to protect hospitals, and that is not the responsibility of the citizenry in a free society.
- Dying from Cv19 is different than dying with Cv19. Since the PC-R test has not be standardized for cycle threshold over time, it’s impossible to make an apples to apples comparison of the various time lines as it relates to both cases and deaths from or with an Cv19 infection.
- Hospitals are reported to be overrun with patients, yet they are willing to fire unvaccinated personnel despite those same personnel working in the hospital both pre and post vaccine availability.
- The vaccine injured do not have a treatment path since medical personnel don’t know with clarity what went wrong to create their symptom sets. This is a major problem.
- The vaccinated are willingly partaking in stage III clinical trials.
- While spreading the virus has largely been said to be done in public settings like gyms, churches, and restaurants, health care workers from hospitals spreading the virus has been overlooked. Health care personnel who have worked with Cv positive patients roam around in public without restriction.
- The air travel industry does not follow social distancing rules and transports strangers from various locations around the US and the globe in a tube for hours. If government is serious about stopping the spread, stop air travel (and secure the border). There is nothing that an airline can do that a restaurant or gym can’t do or do better as it relates to infection risk. Why do airlines get privilege?
- Government has a myopic view on Cv19, focusing on cases and deaths while ignoring individual liberties guaranteed by founding documents and not putting enough weight behind mental health degradation caused by loss of income, isolation, and fear.
- Offering free pizza, fast food, and beer if you get the vaccine? Enter to win a state lottery if you get the vaccine? Pathetic.
- The influences on infection risk are said to solely be external which is why distancing, isolation, and masks are the preferred government tactics. The nourishment you do or do not intake trumps any of these external strategies because what you’re eating determines how your system reacts to threats from the external environment. This is called germ vs terrain theory.
- Since obesity is a significant pre-existing condition that determines how someone is reacts to infection, food intake and exercise habits must be considered. Close gyms but keep donut shops, liquor stores, and Taco Bell open? The only solution is not a pharma intervention. Strengthen your internal terrain.
- Citizens who want to make their own health decisions are being called terrorists. A more accurate term would be American, Patriot, or Libertarian. Using the term terrorist is a complete delusion. How is freedom of personal choice a terrorist act?
- Who are the REAL drug cartels? Who are the real drug dealers?
- Powers granted under emergency conditions offer the top-down authoritarian government that is not inline with traditional United States government structure. The government should work for the people through their elected representation not via edicts from a king or queen governor or unelected health officer. Secondarily, the length of the emergency is determined by the person who gets the emergency powers, which is an obvious conflict of interest. Lastly, restraints on citizens granted under during emergency often continue after the emergency ends further restricting freedom and liberty of the current and future generations.
- Robert W. Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, cautions the use of mRNA vaccines citing safety concerns.
- Each individual’s health is their own responsibility, and he/she should calculate risk and reward accordingly. If you’re concerned about getting sick, take precautions to protect yourself.
- Is it possible for hospitals to be overloaded with vaccine injured patients both now and the future?
- There is a glut of data available regarding fertility and use of Cv19 vaccines in pregnant women and women while breast feeding. The NIH has begun study of the topic after the fact! “Tens of thousands of pregnant and breastfeeding people in the United States have chosen to receive the COVID-19 vaccines available under emergency use authorization. However, we lack robust, prospective clinical data on vaccination in these populations,” said NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., “The results of this study will fill gaps in our knowledge and help inform policy recommendations and personal decision-making on COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.” (1) “Safe and effective” with no data to prove it conclusively.
- Cv19 vaccines are designed to function against the “alpha” variant of Cv19, not variants thereafter, including delta. Does pharma use the 2017 influenza vaccine for the 2021 flu season? Vaccines are specific to a specific variant. A set of mRNA instructions designed for the alpha variant is not going to recognize future variants and outcomes are, therefore, unknown. The assumption is that the mRNA vaccines wain after five to eight months, but an alternative narrative is that they lack efficacy against variants other than “alpha”.
- Pfizer Cv19 vaccine is now FDA approved. That vaccine was studied heavily against the “alpha” variant. Its effectiveness and efficacy is unknown beyond alpha; and with alpha soon to be a thing of the past, the approval doesn’t hold much weight scientifically.
- Pfizer Cv19 vaccine approved exceptionally quickly. Expected end date for Pfizer trials was May 2, 2023. Approval happened in August 2021.
- Cv19 vaccines do not prevent transmission from person to person. “You’re selfish if you don’t get vaccinated” argument not based in fact.
- Local and federal government is encouraging a one size fits all strategy for Cv19 regardless of geographical location, age, health status, risk level, work place, etc.
- Record new cases in Israel (8/31/21), a heavily vaccinated country. “The country recorded 10,947 new cases on Monday, surpassing the previous high of 10,118 daily infections reached in January, according to health ministry figures.”…“Nearly 6 million of the country’s 9.4 million-strong population have had at least one dose of vaccine, while more than 5.4 million have had two doses and some 2.1 million have had three.”
- How does natural exposure and natural immunity compare to protection from Cv19? This topic was not explored fully prior to the release of the vaccines.
- Vaccines start with so-called breakthrough infections which progresses into complete vaccine avoidance as the virus mutates to defeat vaccine defenses. The cat and mouse game goes on in perpetuity with the vaccine ultimately losing because the virus mutates faster than products can be produced. In the effort to rush vaccines to market, product safety for the short and long term suffer.
- See California Civil Code 51 below prevents businesses from discrimination against patrons based on medical condition. Healthy or unvaccinated is a medical condition.
VigiAccess – Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Database
September 16th, 2021Search database using this exact word string without the quotations “covid-19 vaccine”.
As of 9/15/21, total number of records retrieved: 2,009,195.
VigiAccess: Promoting public access to VigiBase
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In Memoriam: Roy Butler
August 25th, 2021

Irish community in mourning as tributes paid to talented young sportsman after ‘untimely’ death
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Pfizer Board – FDA Connection
August 25th, 2021Special Partner, New Enterprise Associations, Inc.’s healthcare investment team and Resident Fellow of the American Enterprise Institute. Dr. Gottlieb served as the 23rd Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from 2017 to 2019.
Prior to serving as Commissioner, Dr. Gottlieb held several roles in the public and private sectors including serving as Managing Director, T.R. Winston & Company from 2013 to 2017. Dr. Gottlieb was previously the FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for Medical and Scientific Affairs from 2005 to 2007, as well as the senior advisor to the FDA Commissioner from 2003 to 2004. He had been a senior advisor to the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2004.
Dr. Gottlieb is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and is a Contributor to the financial news network, CNBC. Director Illumina, Inc., Director of Aetion, Inc. a private healthcare data technology company and Tempus, a private technology company. Pfizer Director since 2019. Chair of our Regulatory and Compliance Committee and Member of our Science and Technology Committee.
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Cv19 Vaccines are for the Older Variants, not Delta or those after Delta
August 25th, 2021Comments Off on Cv19 Vaccines are for the Older Variants, not Delta or those after Delta
Long-Term Studies Of COVID-19 Vaccines Hurt By Placebo Recipients Getting Immunized
August 22nd, 2021February 19, 2021 5:00 AM ET by Richard Harris
Tens of thousands of people who volunteered to be in studies of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are still participating in follow-up research. But some key questions won’t be easily answered, because many people who had been in the placebo group have now opted to take the vaccine.
Even so, there’s valuable information to be had in the planned two-year follow-up studies. And that motivated Karen Mott, a 56-year-old job counselor who stuck with the continuing study.
“I’ve been taking prescription medicine for the last 25 years,” she says, referring to antiseizure drugs she takes. In order to show those drugs worked, people previously volunteered to take them when they were still experimental, “so I felt it was my way of giving back.”
Mott, who lives in the Overland Park, Kan., got a strong reaction to the second shot, so she correctly surmised she had received the Moderna vaccine, not the placebo. She was sad to read that one of the volunteers in the placebo group did die of COVID-19.
“I keep thinking about that. Why am I one of the lucky ones?” she says. “And I think that makes me feel like, I need to keep providing the information that we need.”
So, when the clinic called her in January and offered to reveal her actual vaccine status it was an easy call for her. She agreed to keep participating in the two-year follow-up study.
Participants provide periodic nose swabs and saliva samples, to see if they’ve been infected. They also give blood so scientists can better understand how the vaccine is providing protection.
Mott was one of about 650 volunteers who took the experimental Moderna vaccine at a company called Johnson County Clinical Trials in Lenexa, Kan. Dr. Carlos Fierro, who runs the study there, says every participant was called back after the Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine.
“During that visit we discussed the options, which included staying in the study without the vaccine,” he says, “and amazingly there were people — a couple of people — who chose that.”
He suspects those individuals got spooked by rumors about the vaccine. But everybody else who had the placebo shot went ahead and got the actual vaccine. So now Fierro has essentially no comparison group left for the ongoing study.
“It’s a loss from a scientific standpoint, but given the circumstances I think it’s the right thing to do,” he says.
People signing up for these studies were not promised special treatment, but once the FDA authorized the vaccines, their developers decided to offer the shots.
Dr. Steven Goodman, a clinical trials specialist at Stanford University, says losing those control groups makes it more difficult to answer some important questions about COVID-19 vaccines.
“We don’t know how long protections lasts,” he says. “We don’t know efficacy against variants — for which we definitely need a good control arm — and we also don’t know if there are any differences in any of these parameters by age or race or infirmity.”
Scientists may be able to infer some of this, for example if it becomes evident that vaccinated people commonly fall ill after exposure to virus variants. Further safety information is also being collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the FDA, based on the experience of millions of people who have now taken the shots.
But clinical trials that include a placebo group are the surest and most definitive ways to gather information about vaccine effectiveness. “I think over time we’ll get that data,” Fierro says, even without a placebo group.
Scientists have already collected data from the vaccine studies that could help them identify how individuals’ immune systems have responded to vaccination. That could eventually let them identify immune system features, called correlates of protection, that could strongly indicate vaccine effectiveness.
But because the best evidence comes from a controlled study, Goodman is thinking about how those could be conducted ethically, now that there are effective vaccines available.
One option is to identify people who are in groups that are not currently eligible for a vaccine, as is happening now with children. Another option is to conduct studies in other parts of the world, where vaccines simply aren’t available. But that raises ethical issues, as well: Why not provide those countries vaccine, rather than recruiting them for a study?
“But the fact is we do have an unfair world and there are inequities in global health and financing,” Goodman says. So, offering people a chance to participate in a study could be ethical. “The countries themselves may demand it,” he says, as they work to understand the risks that virus variants pose to their populations.
Another option is to run a study in which all participants get vaccinated, but not right away. After two months, for example, people would get a second treatment – either the real vaccine if they originally got the placebo, or vice versa. One key here, Goodman says, is that nobody should know which was which. That way people wouldn’t change their behavior, which itself could influence the outcome of a trial because people who know they are vaccinated might take greater risks.
The appearance of virus variants “may really scramble things up because there may be certain variants where the efficacy of all vaccines might be so low that we’re basically back to zero,” Goodman says. “We might have to go back to placebo-controlled trials. It’s hard to know.”
That’s the worse-case scenario. The vaccines currently in use in the United States seem to work well against the variant first seen in the United Kingdom and appear to offer at least partial protection from the variant identified first in South Africa, but more evasive new variants could emerge in the months and years to come.
Fierro sees another possibility. Perhaps in a year or two the existing vaccines will have proven so effective that COVID-19 becomes not much more than a nuisance. Under those circumstances, the risk of participating in a study that has a placebo option would be low enough to be acceptable, say, for young people who have not yet been vaccinated.
You can contact NPR Science Correspondent Richard Harris at rharris@npr.org.
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C19 Vax Reactions Site
• We are a large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States).
• We are pro-vaccine, pro-science and were excited for the opportunity to be vaccinated and to do our part in helping to end the pandemic.
• We are completely independent of any other organization.”
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A grim warning from Israel: Vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta
August 20th, 2021By Meredith Wadman Aug. 16, 2021 , 6:55 PM
“His message was meant for his fellow Israelis, but it is a warning to the world. Israel has among the world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine. Yet the country is now logging one of the world’s highest infection rates, with nearly 650 new cases daily per million people. More than half are in fully vaccinated people, underscoring the extraordinary transmissibility of the Delta variant and stoking concerns that the benefits of vaccination ebb over time.”
“What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated. Of the vaccinated, 87% were 60 or older. “There are so many breakthrough infections that they dominate and most of the hospitalized patients are actually vaccinated,” says Uri Shalit, a bioinformatician at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) who has consulted on COVID-19 for the government. “One of the big stories from Israel [is]: ‘Vaccines work, but not well enough.’”
Aran’s message for the United States and other wealthier nations considering boosters is stark: “Do not think that the boosters are the solution.”
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Biden administration makes it easier to qualify for Covid funeral reimbursement
August 20th, 2021PUBLISHED TUE, JUL 6 202112:16 PM EDTUPDATED TUE, JUL 6 20211:30 PM EDT
Greg Iacurci
The Biden administration made it easier for many families to qualify for aid toward funeral costs after loosening rules for a Covid-era program.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, which administers the program, changed its funeral-assistance policy related to deaths that occurred in the early months of the pandemic.
Applicants for funeral assistance — up to $9,000 per deceased person and $35,500 per application — initially had to provide a death certificate listing Covid-19 as the cause of death.
But early on, death certificates may not have cited the virus. Testing wasn’t as widespread and the coronavirus wasn’t as well understood by the medical community, for example. Many families may have been denied as a result.
FEMA’s tweak offers reimbursement if applicants submit a statement or letter from the death certificate’s certifying official, medical examiner, or coroner that attributes the death to Covid-19, according to the agency.
The change applies to deaths between Jan. 20 and May 16 last year.
The new policy offers flexibility to attribute a death to Covid without amending the death certificate, according to FEMA. It also covers the period before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published death-certificate guidance in the spring of 2020, the agency said.
Individuals must still submit a death certificate linking the fatality to Covid-19 for deaths occurring after May 16.
Program funds can reimburse costs associated with funeral services, cremation, a casket or urn, burial plot, marker or headstone, and transportation for up to two people to identify the deceased individual, for example.
The program has $2 billion of total funding and opened to applicants in April.
Since then, more than 78,000 applicants have received $525 million in assistance, according to FEMA. More than 605,000 people have died from Covid-19, according to Johns Hopkins University data.
Scammers targeted the program early on, when there was a high volume of applicants. Criminals posed as government agents who offered to register applicants for assistance, but instead tried to steal money or sensitive personal information, according to the Federal Trade Commission.
Video below not a part of original original article.
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Ralph Baric – Potential Benefits of GOF Research II: Treatment and Response
August 14th, 2021Comments Off on Ralph Baric – Potential Benefits of GOF Research II: Treatment and Response
Caveat Emptor: Dental X-Rays
August 14th, 2021Hujoel PP, Bollen AM, Noonan CJ, del Aguila MA. Antepartum dental radiography and infant low birth weight. JAMA. 2004 Apr 28;291(16):1987-93. doi: 10.1001/jama.291.16.1987. PMID: 15113817.
Context: Both high- and low-dose radiation exposures in women have been associated with low-birth-weight offspring. It is unclear if radiation affects the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis and thereby indirectly birth weight, or if the radiation directly affects the reproductive organs.
Objective: To investigate whether antepartum dental radiography is associated with low-birth-weight offspring.
Design: A population-based case-control study.
Participants and setting: Enrollees of a dental insurance plan with live singleton births in Washington State between January 1993 and December 2000. Cases were 1117 women with low-birth-weight infants (<2500 g), of whom 336 were term low-birth-weight infants (1501-2499 g and gestation > or =37 weeks). Four control pregnancies resulting in normal-birth-weight infants (> or =2500 g) were randomly selected for each case (n = 4468).
Main outcome measures: Odds of low birth weight and term low birth weight by dental radiographic dose during gestation.
Results: An exposure higher than 0.4 milligray (mGy) during gestation occurred in 21 (1.9%) mothers of low-birth-weight infants and, when compared with women who had no known dental radiography, was associated with an adjusted odds ratio (OR) for a low-birth-weight infant of 2.27 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.11-4.66, P =.03). Exposure higher than 0.4 mGy occurred in 10 (3%) term low-birth-weight pregnancies and was associated with an adjusted OR for a term low-birth-weight infant of 3.61 (95% CI, 1.46-8.92, P =.005).
Conclusion: Dental radiography during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight, specifically with term low birth weight.
Hwang SY, Choi ES, Kim YS, Gim BE, Ha M, Kim HY. Health effects from exposure to dental diagnostic X-ray. Environ Health Toxicol. 2018 Dec;33(4):e2018017. doi: 10.5620/eht.e2018017. Epub 2018 Nov 21. PMID: 30661338; PMCID: PMC6341170.
The purpose of this review is to summarize the results of studies on of the association between exposure to dental X-rays and health risk. To perform the systematic review, We searched the PUBMED, EMBASE, and MEDLINE databases for papers published before December 15, 2016. A total of 2 158 studies, excluding duplicate studies, were found. Two reviewers independently evaluated the eligibility of each study. The final 21 studies were selected after application of exclusion criteria. In terms of health outcomes, there were 10 studies about brain tumors, 5 about thyroid cancer, 3 about tumors of head and neck areas, and 3 related to systemic health. In brain tumor studies, the association between dental X-ray exposure and meningioma was statistically significant in 5 of the 7 studies. In 4 of the 5 thyroid-related studies, there was a significant correlation with dental diagnostic X-rays. In studies on head and neck areas, tumors included laryngeal, parotid gland, and salivary gland cancers. There was also a statistically significant correlation between full-mouth X-rays and salivary gland cancer, but not parotid gland cancer. Health outcomes such as leukemia, low birth weight, cataracts, and thumb carcinomas were also reported. In a few studies examining health effects related to dental X-ray exposure, possibly increased risks of meningioma and thyroid cancer were suggested. More studies with a large population and prospective design are needed to elaborate these associations further.
Preston-Martin S, Thomas DC, White SC, Cohen D. Prior exposure to medical and dental x-rays related to tumors of the parotid gland. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1988 Aug 17;80(12):943-9. doi: 10.1093/jnci/80.12.943. PMID: 3398070.
Findings from this population-based study in Los Angeles County suggest, for the first time, that tumors of the parotid gland are related to prior exposure to diagnostic medical and dental radiography. Responses to interviews with 408 patients with a parotid tumor (269 benign tumors and 139 malignant tumors) were compared to responses of 408 neighborhood controls. Cumulative exposure of the parotid gland from diagnostic radiography was associated with a dose-related increase in risk of malignant tumors (P for trend less than .05; relative risk for exposure to greater than or equal to 50 rad = 3.4; 95% confidence interval = 1.02-11.46). Benign tumors showed a weaker positive association, and exposure before age 20 to a major diagnostic examination (full-mouth or panoramic dental radiography or medical radiography to the head) increased risk (relative risk = 1.8; confidence interval = 1.13-2.91). This study also confirmed the association of malignant tumors with prior radiation treatment to the head or neck; 28% of these tumors are attributable to exposure of the parotid gland from diagnostic and therapeutic radiation.
Memon A, Godward S, Williams D, Siddique I, Al-Saleh K. Dental x-rays and the risk of thyroid cancer: a case-control study. Acta Oncol. 2010 May;49(4):447-53. doi: 10.3109/02841861003705778. PMID: 20397774.
The thyroid gland is highly susceptible to radiation carcinogenesis and exposure to high-dose ionising radiation is the only established cause of thyroid cancer. Dental radiography, a common source of low-dose diagnostic radiation exposure in the general population, is often overlooked as a radiation hazard to the gland and may be associated with the risk of thyroid cancer. An increased risk of thyroid cancer has been reported in dentists, dental assistants, and x-ray workers; and exposure to dental x-rays has been associated with an increased risk of meningiomas and salivary tumours.
Methods: To examine whether exposure to dental x-rays was associated with the risk of thyroid cancer, we conducted a population-based case-control interview study among 313 patients with thyroid cancer and a similar number of individually matched (year of birth +/- three years, gender, nationality, district of residence) control subjects in Kuwait.
Results: Conditional logistic regression analysis, adjusted for other upper-body x-rays, showed that exposure to dental x-rays was significantly associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer (odds ratio = 2.1, 95% confidence interval: 1.4, 3.1) (p=0.001) with a dose-response pattern (p for trend <0.0001). The association did not vary appreciably by age, gender, nationality, level of education, or parity.
Discussion: These findings, based on self-report by cases/controls, provide some support to the hypothesis that exposure to dental x-rays, particularly multiple exposures, may be associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer; and warrant further study in settings where historical dental x-ray records may be available.
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Cv19 Conundrums
August 14th, 2021Here I offer a record of random, mostly common sense thoughts regarding Cv19.
(a) This section shall be known, and may be cited, as the Unruh Civil Rights Act.
(b) All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship, primary language, or immigration status are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever.
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Vaccine Injury Dashboard
August 14th, 2021Below are links to a vaccine injury dashboard with data taken from the VAERS from the United States.
What group of products is allowed to be sold with or without manufacturer liability that have been reported to the federal government that caused over 12,000 deaths and over 14,000 permanents disabilities? #pharmaprivilege #informedconsent #realnotrare
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Female Vaccine Injury – Instagram
August 14th, 2021Here is a list of usernames of female instagramers profiling their vaccine injury. List is being updated as new users are discovered. Bless these women!
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How to Search VAERS Public Data
May 19th, 2021https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D8
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Worldwide Pandemic Pollution
May 19th, 2021Single use, plastic, non-biodegradable masks created a pollution tsunami.
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Why it matters that the NIH cancelled a coronavirus research grant
May 16th, 2021For the archives.
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OG Food Pyramid
May 15th, 2021
Evidence of US Government health advice.
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Makes Cents
May 15th, 2021Comments Off on Makes Cents
EcoAlliance Health’s President Peter Daszak
May 11th, 2021Cliff’s Notes version below.
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Gain-of-Function Research
May 11th, 2021Comments Off on Gain-of-Function Research
Do you even test, bro?
May 9th, 2021Would like to see published data on the number of influenza tests done in the United States in 2020 and 2021 compared to prior years. Medicine isn’t finding influenza because’s it’s not being looked for. There is a new cash cow in town.
Fauci’s statement in this interview suggest that wearing a mask is FAR more effective than flu shots since the apparent success (questionable) of wearing a mask has wiped out influenza better than prior years.
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Biology Matters in (Women’s) Sports
May 9th, 2021Comments Off on Biology Matters in (Women’s) Sports
Documents reveal China discussed weaponisation of coronaviruses prior to pandemic
May 9th, 2021Comments Off on Documents reveal China discussed weaponisation of coronaviruses prior to pandemic
Indian Public Health and 2021 Kumbh Mela
May 8th, 2021From 2019:
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California reports 3,100 ‘breakthrough’ COVID cases among the vaccinated
May 8th, 2021All see: RT-PCR Ct Value – Case Definition for the Vaccinated
BY KEN CARLSON MAY 05, 2021 03:46 PM, UPDATED MAY 05, 2021 07:41 PM
Between Jan. 1 and April 28, California public health officials recorded 3,084 breakthrough cases of COVID-19 in people who were fully vaccinated. That’s out of 12.9 million people who were fully vaccinated.
“As more time passes and more people are fully vaccinated, it is likely that additional post-vaccination cases will occur,” the California Department of Public Health said in a statement. “The number of post-vaccination cases remains small.”
The California Department of Public Health said it’s trying to find COVID-19 cases among vaccinated people by reviewing case and vaccine records.
Post-vaccination cases are recorded if a person tests positive for SARS-Cov-2 two weeks after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson shot or completing the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccination.
The state health department did not have information on hospitalizations and deaths attributed to breakthrough cases.
As of April 26, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded 9,245 breakthrough cases among 95 million vaccinated in the United States, including 132 deaths. That’s an infection rate of .01 percent.
According to the federal agency, 45 percent of the post-vaccination cases were people age 60 and older. In 15 percent of the deaths, the person tested positive for the coronavirus but their death was not related to COVID-19. (double standard -FPS)
Nationally, the breakthrough cases included 835 hospitalizations, with about 70 percent of those patients exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.
According to a CDC website, the efforts to study breakthrough cases are based on voluntary reporting from state health departments and not all cases will be counted. The CDC has not updated the number of breakthrough cases in nearly 10 days.
California’s health department said the data on breakthrough cases is consistent with findings the coronavirus vaccines are most effective in preventing severe illness.
“Given no vaccine is 100 percent effective at preventing COVID-19, we expect to find more post-vaccination cases as we continue to look for them and as additional data are received,” the state agency said.
Stanislaus County has reported 20 breakthrough cases of COVID-19 in people who were fully vaccinated.
Kamlesh Kaur, a county health services spokesperson, said of the 20 breakthrough cases one person was hospitalized. The county Health Services Agency is investigating whether the patient was hospitalized due to complications of COVID-19.
State and federal agencies are monitoring for cases of COVID-19 illness in vaccinated people to make sure the vaccines are effective. And thus far the number of confirmed cases is considered encouraging.
Health officials said they expect to identify more post-vaccination cases because the coronavirus vaccines are not 100 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 illness. The often-stated purpose of the vaccines administered by county clinics, pharmacies and health care providers is prevention of serious illness, hospitalization and death.
The vaccines are expected to minimize illness for those who become infected and make it less likely that people spread the contagious disease.
Kaur said the number of post-vaccination cases is low when considering 141,072 county residents have been fully vaccinated.
“The vaccines are supposed to prevent severe disease,” Kaur said. “This shows it is working.” (CDC changed how the the Ct of the RT-PCR test for the vaccinated -FPS)
Kaur said the county health agency is part of the effort to make sure the coronavirus vaccines are working. The information gathered on breakthrough cases is reported to the state, she said.
Andrew Sheeler of The Sacramento Bee contributed to this report.
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