
180 Nutrition Program Testimonial – Yeast Infections, Digestion, PMS

Female, 34, Southern California

What was the primary benefit of doing the Program for you?
Reoccurring vaginal yeast infections have ceased completely. Bloating and gas that was previously frequent only occurs if I eat the wrong foods.

How long did you spend in calendar time on the Program?
4 months

What were your body temperature and pulse changes during the Program?
Starting temperature was in the low 96s. Currently, I have consistent temperatures in the high 97s and low 98s depending upon where I am in my menstrual cycle.

Summarize your experience with the program as a testimonial to be used with your permission.
I’ve come a long way. Being very frustrated about the direction of my health for nine months was extremely taxing for me both physically and emotionally. My health had always been good and this was the first time that I had a long stretch of time where I couldn’t correct my problems quickly.

For nine months, I had reoccurring vaginal yeast infections, which were accompanied by thinning of my hair, and frequent gas and bloating. I also noticed flare ups seemed to be worst during certain parts of my menstrual cycle. Doctors did little to help or explain why this was occurring and maybe in this case actually put me going in the wrong direction. Nothing I did dietary seemed to be beneficial despite being strict with an “anti-yeast” diet, which varies depending upon what website you go to. That created some confusion on my part.

A girlfriend of mine told me about some of the information that FPS was putting out on their blog and Facebook page. I contacted Rob to see if he felt some of his recommendations would be of any benefit. He didn’t make any promises but was confident we could make some positive changes after he reviewed my assessment documentation.

Well, within two months my symptoms drastically lessened and by the end of four months I no longer had any symptoms. At the current time, I’ve been healthy for a period of eight months now. I didn’t want to write my testimonial too soon for fear that I would jinx myself or something, but Rob’s recommendations were definitely the key to my health reversal. Most of his coaching was the exact opposite of what I was doing previously including eating sugars from ripe fruits, orange juice, milk and consuming saturated fats which I thought weren’t healthy for me. I know better now though.

Rob was able to explain to me the big picture of how these symptoms can come about and then created a step by step program to that was initially a big change but with each day it became much easier for me to put into action. I had to increase my metabolism, eat digestible foods to improve my gut health, and balance my blood sugar if I was going to getting better. The foods were tasty and most were easy to find at my local grocery store. I know what to look for on labels to tell real from imposter health foods. My perspective on food has changed completely and for the better. I cannot believe how good healthy eating tastes! All of my girlfriends are asking me for my recipes.

Another added benefit is that my PMS is virtually gone. The only time I have menstrual issues is when I have a period of time when my diet isn’t the way it should be. I have the knowledge of what to eat and why to balance my hormones.

I hope this testimonial can help someone else that is in my shoes, b/c I was getting so frustrated and didn’t know where else to turn. I am glad that I found this information and hope others can approach this information with an open mind because it really works. You’ll have to be a little patient as health correction doesn’t happen overnight, but the results are worth the wait. Thanks FPS!

Posted in General.

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3 Responses

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  1. jennifer says

    Omg this is me. The docs have no clue whats going on. I cannot drink milk, I find it disgusting, and fruit makes issues down there really bad. I am afraid to eat!

  2. Team FPS says

    Sorry to hear that. I think the information on this blog can help you make some dietary or lifestyle changes.

  3. Jenn Vander Veen says

    Jennifer: seriously, you should consider working with Rob. This information is absolutely priceless, and you will enjoy the freedom from many health problems by following the program – no matter how long it takes to heal. This was me 2 years ago for as long as I can remember, and this information was essential to healing. Life is too short to feel miserable and to be afraid of food – eating is one of life’s many pleasures! Good luck to you!