Come experience your workouts in a private 900 square foot air-conditioned facility in Simi Valley, California! FPS is located on the west end of the city in Madera Plaza across the street from Yolanda’s Mexican Restaurant. FPS is a strength-training centered facility that optimizes open space for dynamic workouts. FPS offers workout methods and training options that commercial gyms do not, and we do so in a comfortable atmosphere with an experienced strength professional. Equipment highlights include:
- 20kg Pendlay Nexgen Bushing Barbells, 25lb Pendlay Nexgen Bushing Barbell, Swiss Bar, Football Bar, Custom Front Squat Bar, Safety Squat Bar, Trap/Hex Bar, EZ Curl Barbell
- Iron Plates and 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg, & 25 kg Training Bumper Plates from DHS, Uesaka, & Werksan
- Rogue R3 Power Rack
- Glute Ham Raise Machine
- 12′ Monkey Bars
- MDUSA No Limits Digital Gym Clock with count up, count down, and interval timer
- Rogue Dragging Sled
- 4-42” Soft Plyo Boxes
- Grip and Pinch Strength Implements
- Concept 2 rower
- Dumbbells Pairs (3-70lbs)
- Foam Rollers/PVC Pipe/Lacrosse & Tennis Balls/The Stick for myofascial release
- Freemotion Dual Cable Machine
- Adjustable 10′ Ultraslide Slideboard
- Variety of Flexbands and Chains
- 50 foot 2” Battle Rope
- 6, 8, 10, 15 lb Medicine Balls
- Rogue Four Pole Pushing Sled
- Gymnastic Rings
- Assault Fitness Air Bike
- .25, .5, .75, and 1 lb. Fractional Plates
- Remodeled Bathroom