Browsing articles from "March, 2021"

Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure In the Making

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   cancer, cell, code, flu, General, genes, genetically modified, genetics, immune system, immunity, influenza, instructions, medicine, messenger RNA, mRNA, mutated DNA, pharma, pharmaceuticals, proteins, vaccination, vaccine  //  Comments Off on Rewriting the Genetic Code: A Cancer Cure In the Making
Here is a 10 minute advertising courtesy of TEDx for new and experimental mRNA technology. mRNA vaccines make the receiver genetically modified. On a side note, cancer not caused by mutated DNA.

The Savior Isn’t Self Care and Good Health

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   allergic, allergy, CDC, community immunity, congress, David Sencer, epidemic, evidence, experts, fear, General, government, health, herd immunity, influenza, inoculation, medicine, pandemic, press conference, Science, scientific, swine flu, vaccination, vaccine  //  Comments Off on The Savior Isn’t Self Care and Good Health
A vaccine from pharma provided with the financial assistance of the US government using tax payer funding can save you from viruses. Review this blog in light of the information presented in this news conference.

WXYZ Channel 7 [Detroit, MI] “Swine Flu Vaccine Problems” (1976)

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   1976, death, flu, General, swine flu, vaccination, vaccine  //  Comments Off on WXYZ Channel 7 [Detroit, MI] – “Swine Flu Vaccine Problems” (1976)
Twelve deaths from heart attack hours after 1976 swine flu vaccination. No connection to the vaccine suggested, however. Deja vu.

WHO’s H1N1 hype: Experts not surprised

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   fear, flu, General, H1N1, hype, influenza, pharma, pharmaceutical industry, vaccine, WHO  //  Comments Off on WHO’s H1N1 hype: Experts not surprised
“There is growing anger against the World Health Organisation (WHO) for reportedly making swine flu pandemic bigger than it really was. Health experts in India say this isn’t the first time WHO has pushed for programmes, even though they are not needed.” Same playbook in 2019-2021 just executed even better thanks to social media.

Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overestimated?

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   cases, false positives, flu, General, H1N1, influenza, swine flu, testing  //  Comments Off on Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overestimated?
Video serves as evidence of precedent for overestimating “cases”, in this case for 2009 swine flu.

Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overestimated?

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   cases, false positives, flu, General, H1N1, influenza, swine flu, testing  //  Comments Off on Unplugged: H1N1 Cases Overestimated?
Video serves as evidence of precedent for overestimating “cases”, in this case for 2009 swine flu.

See the Future Now

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   General, media, news stories, press, reporting, swine flu, television, TV, vaccination, vaccine, viral, virus  //  Comments Off on See the Future Now
Evidence of the media as the driver of 2009 swine flu and what the public is talking about. When the stories wane, so too does the illness. Expect similar stories in near future regarding Coronavirus 2019.

60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   advertising, CDC, David Sencer, flu, General, government, Guillain-Barre, marketing, media, Mike Wallace, pandemic, press, respiratory infection, roll up your sleeve, swine flu, TV, vaccine, virus  //  Comments Off on 60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)
Pandemic playbook at work in the 1970s. The US government, pharma, and television/media complicit in the fear mongering and “vaccine” marketing.

60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

Mar 13, 2021   //   by Team FPS   //   60 Minutes, advertising, CDC, David Sencer, flu, General, government, Guillain-Barre, marketing, media, Mike Wallace, pandemic, press, respiratory infection, roll up your sleeve, swine flu, TV, vaccine, virus  //  Comments Off on 60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)
Pandemic playbook at work in the 1970s. The US government, pharma, and television/media complicit in the fear mongering and “vaccine” marketing.

The Antibody Deception

Source By Rosemary Frei, MScMarch 2, 2021 The world has been fixated for months on novel-coronavirus PCR testing, contact tracing and vaccination. Meanwhile, another major part of the Covid biomedical complex has received far less attention: the use of antibodies for detecting, diagnosing and treating infection with the novel coronavirus. Hundreds of antibodies have been approved […]
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