Browsing articles from "July, 2013"

Barbara Seaman Interview: Birth Control, Menopause, Estrogen Industry

Jul 29, 2013   //   by Team FPS   //   Barbara Seaman, birth control, breast feeding, cancer, DES, diabetes, diethylstilbestrol, estrogen, feminism, General, heart attack, heart disease, hitler, menopause, miscarriage, morning after, nazi, pharma, pharmaceutical industry, premarin, progestin, the pill, women's health, Women's Health Initiative  //  Comments Off on Barbara Seaman Interview: Birth Control, Menopause, Estrogen Industry
Also see: Barbara Seaman Raised Alarms, Answered Every Call The Rise and Fall of Estrogen Therapy: The History of HRT Hormonal profiles in women with breast cancer PUFA Increases Estrogen PUFA Inhibit Glucuronidation PUFA Promote Cancer Maternal PUFA Intake Increases Breast Cancer Risk in Female Offspring Estrogen and Bowel Transit Time Study: Acquired Breast Cancer [...]

Global Warming: Carbon Dioxide is Not a Pollutant

Jul 28, 2013   //   by Team FPS   //   Al Gore, carbon dioxide, climate change, co2, corruption, General, global warming, metabolism, photosynthesis, plants, pollution, Respiration, sun spots  //  Comments Off on Global Warming: Carbon Dioxide is Not a Pollutant
Also see: And now it’s global COOLING! Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year Carbon Dioxide Basics Energy Flow: Plant World and Animal World The Sun: Source of All Biological Energy Biological Energy & Matter Cycle Promoters of Efficient v. Inefficient Metabolism Comparison: Oxidative Metabolism v. Glycolytic Metabolic [...]
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