Browsing articles from "June, 2012"

Nutrition and Brain Growth in Chick Embryos

Jun 29, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   brain, chick, chicken, cortisol, development, embryo, General, glycine, progesterone, tryptophan  //  Comments Off on Nutrition and Brain Growth in Chick Embryos
Also see: The Brain – Estrogen’s Harm and Progesterone’s Protection Gelatin, Glycine, and Metabolism In the spring, with increased day length, the brains of song-birds grow, with an increased proliferation of cells in the part of the brain involved in singing. The production of progesterone increases in most animals in the spring, and it is [...]

Towards a morphogenetic perspective on cancer

Jun 29, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   cancer, enivironment, General, Ray Peat  //  Comments Off on Towards a morphogenetic perspective on cancer
Riv Biol. 2002 Jan-Apr;95(1):35-61. Towards a morphogenetic perspective on cancer. Aranda-Anzaldo A. The purpose of this paper is to present a critique of the current view that reduces cancer to a cellular problem caused by specific gene mutations and to propose, instead, that such a problem might become more intelligible, if it is understood as [...]

ATP Regulates Cell Water

Jun 29, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   ATP, cardinal adsorbent, cell, General, Gilbert Ling, membrane, membrane pumps, water  //  Comments Off on ATP Regulates Cell Water
Science 23 January 1976: Vol. 191 no. 4224 pp. 293-295 What retains water in living cells? GN Ling, CL Walton Three types of evidence are presented showing that the retention of cell water does not necessarily depend on the possession of an intact cell membrane. The data agree with the concept that water retention in [...]

Israeli Paradox: High Omega -6 Diet Promotes Disease

Jun 28, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, General, heart disease, insulin resistance, israeli paradox, linoleic acid, PUFA, tumor  //  Comments Off on Israeli Paradox: High Omega -6 Diet Promotes Disease
Isr J Med Sci. 1996 Nov;32(11):1134-43. Diet and disease–the Israeli paradox: possible dangers of a high omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid diet. Yam D, Eliraz A, Berry EM. Israel has one of the highest dietary polyunsaturated/saturated fat ratios in the world; the consumption of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) is about 8% higher than in the [...]

Wound Healing: Topical Omega -9 is Superior to the “Essential Fatty Acids”

Jun 28, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   EFA, essential fatty acids, General, healing, inflammation, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, nitric oxide, oleic acid, omega 3, omega 6, omega-9  //  Comments Off on Wound Healing: Topical Omega -9 is Superior to the “Essential Fatty Acids”
Wound Repair Regen. 2004 Mar-Apr;12(2):235-43. Influence of topical administration of n-3 and n-6 essential and n-9 nonessential fatty acids on the healing of cutaneous wounds. Cardoso CR, Souza MA, Ferro EA, Favoreto S Jr, Pena JD. Injury triggers a series of physiological events at the wound site. These include an inflammatory response that is established [...]

Coconut Oil and Metabolism in Pigs

Jun 26, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   coconut oil, EFA, essential fatty acid deficiency, General, metabolism, saturated fat  //  Comments Off on Coconut Oil and Metabolism in Pigs
Also see: “Curing” a High Metabolic Rate with Unsaturated Fats Fat Deficient Animals – Activity of Cytochrome Oxidase Metabolism, Brain Size, and Lifespan in Mammals Unsaturated Fats and Longevity Arch Tierernahr. 1984 Jan;34(1):19-33. [Nutritional-physiological effects of dietary fats in rations for growing pigs. 4. Effects of sunflower oil and coconut oil on protein and fat [...]

Coconut Oil and Metabolism in Animal Studies

Jun 26, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   coconut oil, essential fatty acid deficiency, General, metabolism, saturated fat  //  Comments Off on Coconut Oil and Metabolism in Animal Studies
Also see: “Curing” a High Metabolic Rate with Unsaturated Fats Fat Deficient Animals – Activity of Cytochrome Oxidase Metabolism, Brain Size, and Lifespan in Mammals Unsaturated Fats and Longevity Arch Tierernahr. 1984 Jan;34(1):19-33. [Nutritional-physiological effects of dietary fats in rations for growing pigs. 4. Effects of sunflower oil and coconut oil on protein and fat [...]

High Fat Diet Lowers Anxiety Response in Rats

Jun 26, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   anxiety, behavior, General, saturated fat  //  Comments Off on High Fat Diet Lowers Anxiety Response in Rats
Physiol Behav. 1996 Sep;60(3):1039-42. Short-term consumption of a diet rich in fat decreases anxiety response in adult male rats. Prasad A, Prasad C. Short- and long-term changes in the composition of dietary macronutrients [protein (P), carbohydrate (C), and fat (F)] alter neurochemistry and behavior in animals. We examined whether short-term intake of a diet rich [...]

Endotoxin and Behavior

Jun 26, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   behavior, depression, endotoxin, General, immunity, lipopolysaccharides  //  Comments Off on Endotoxin and Behavior
Brain Behav Immun. 2006 Nov;20(6):517-26. Epub 2006 May 2. Immunity and emotions: lipopolysaccharide increases defensive behaviours and potentiates despair in mice. Many studies have pointed out the relationships between immunity and depression, supporting a neuroimmune hypothesis of depressive disorders. However, despite the growing interest for such a hypothesis and the amount of clinical and experimental [...]

Radiation Increases Breast Cancer Incidence

Jun 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   acne, breast, cancer, General, mammogram, mammography, mammory, radiation, x-ray  //  Comments Off on Radiation Increases Breast Cancer Incidence
JAMA. 1977 Feb 21;237(8):789-90. Breast cancer induced by radiation. Relation to mammography and treatment of acne. Simon N. This communication reports cases of 16 women in who cancer of the breast developed after radiation therapy for acne or hirsutism, suggesting another group at higher risk than is generally expected for cancer of the breast. It [...]
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