Browsing articles from "April, 2012"

Estrogen, Endotoxin, and Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury

Apr 19, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   alcohol, endotoxin, estrogen, General, hepatic, lipopolysaccharide, liver, LPS, progesterone, TNF, women  //  Comments Off on Estrogen, Endotoxin, and Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury
Also See Alcohol Consumption – Estrogen and Progesterone In Women How does estrogen enhance endotoxin toxicity? Let me count the ways. PUFA and Liver Toxicity; Protection by Saturated Fats Endotoxin: Poisoning from the Inside Out Hepatology. 2000 Jan;31(1):117-23. Estrogen is involved in early alcohol-induced liver injury in a rat enteral feeding model. Yin M, Ikejima [...]

Childhood conditions influence adult progesterone levels

Apr 18, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   development, General, progesterone, stress  //  Comments Off on Childhood conditions influence adult progesterone levels
PLoS Med. 2007 May;4(5):e167. Childhood conditions influence adult progesterone levels. Núñez-de la Mora A, Chatterton RT, Choudhury OA, Napolitano DA, Bentley GR. BACKGROUND: Average profiles of salivary progesterone in women vary significantly at the inter- and intrapopulation level as a function of age and acute energetic conditions related to energy intake, energy expenditure, or a [...]

Exercise Induced Menstrual Disorders

Apr 18, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   amenorrhoea, athlete, ballet, bone, dancer, estrogen, exercise, female, General, gymnastics, menarche, menstrual, PMS, premenstrual syndrome, progesterone, stress  //  Comments Off on Exercise Induced Menstrual Disorders
Proc Biol Sci. 1998 October 7; 265(1408): 1847–1851. Physical work causes suppression of ovarian function in women. G Jasieńska and P T Ellison The suppression of reproductive function is known to occur in women engaging in activities that require high energetic expenses, such as sport participation and subsistence work. It is still unclear, however, if [...]

Endotoxin-lipoprotein Hypothesis

Apr 18, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   cholesterol, endotoxin, General, HDL, LDL, lipopolysachharides, lipoprotein  //  Comments Off on Endotoxin-lipoprotein Hypothesis
Lancet. 2000 Sep 9;356(9233):930-3. The endotoxin-lipoprotein hypothesis. Rauchhaus M, Coats AJ, Anker SD. The advent of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) has revolutionised the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia. Statin treatment, by lowering the atherogenic lipoprotein profile, reduces morbidity and mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease. Treatment with simvastatin causes a reduction of events of new-onset heart [...]

Oral Contraceptives, Estrogen, and Clotting

Apr 18, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   birth control, clotting, estrogen, General, oral contraceptives, pulmonary embolism  //  Comments Off on Oral Contraceptives, Estrogen, and Clotting
Br Med J. 1970 April 25; 2(5703): 203–209. Thromboembolic Disease and the Steroidal Content of Oral Contraceptives. A Report to the Committee on Safety of Drugs W. H. W. Inman, M. P. Vessey, Barbro Westerholm, and A. Engelund Reports of thromboembolism following the use of oral contraceptives received by drug safety committees in the United [...]

Protective Bamboo Shoots

Apr 18, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   bamboo shoots, bowel, constipation, endotoxin, General, Ray Peat  //  Comments Off on Protective Bamboo Shoots
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety Volume 10, Issue 3, pages 153–168, May 2011 Nutritional Properties of Bamboo Shoots: Potential and Prospects for Utilization as a Health Food Nirmala Chongtham, Madho Singh Bisht, Sheena Haorongbam Bamboo is intricately associated with humans from times immemorial. Popularly known for their industrial uses, a lesser known [...]

Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio, PTH, and Bone Health

Apr 18, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   bone, calcium, General, parathyroid, phosphorus, PTH  //  Comments Off on Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio, PTH, and Bone Health
Br J Nutr. 2006 Sep;96(3):545-52. High phosphorus intakes acutely and negatively affect Ca and bone metabolism in a dose-dependent manner in healthy young females. Kemi VE, Kärkkäinen MU, Lamberg-Allardt CJ. Ca and P are both essential nutrients for bone and are known to affect one of the most important regulators of bone metabolism, parathyroid hormone [...]

Source of Dietary Calcium: Chicken Egg Shell Powder

Apr 15, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   bone, calciumc, carbonate, ch, egg shell, fracture, General, menopause, osteopenia, osteoporosis, powder  //  Comments Off on Source of Dietary Calcium: Chicken Egg Shell Powder
Poult Sci. 2000 Dec;79(12):1833-8. Mineral, amino acid, and hormonal composition of chicken eggshell powder and the evaluation of its use in human nutrition. Schaafsma A, Pakan I, Hofstede GJ, Muskiet FA, Van Der Veer E, De Vries PJ. Chicken eggshell powder (ESP) might be an attractive source of Ca for human nutrition. To study its [...]

Bone Health and Vitamin K

Apr 15, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   atherosclerosis, bone, density, diet, General, menopause, MK4, osteoporosis, thorne research, vitamin k, vitamin k2  //  Comments Off on Bone Health and Vitamin K
J Med Assoc Thai. 2009 Sep;92 Suppl5:S1-3. The role of vitamin K2 on osteoblastic functions by using stem cell model. Bunyaratavej N, Sila-Asna M, Bunyaratavej A. Vitamin K2 (MK4) functions were investigated by using the induced skin cell into osteoblast compared with the control media.The real time PCR measured gene expression in both cultures at [...]

Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and bone health

Apr 12, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   bone health, General, osteopenia, osteoporosis, Parmigiano Reggiano  //  Comments Off on Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and bone health
Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2011 Sep;8(3):33-6. Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and bone health. Pampaloni B, Bartolini E, Brandi ML. Osteoporosis is a multifactorial disease characterized by loss of bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, which leads to a consequent increase in the risk of skeletal fractures. Diet awakes a critical interest in osteoporosis, [...]
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