Browsing articles from "April, 2011"

180 Program Testimonial Rheumatoid Arthritis

Apr 30, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   180 Program, functionalps, General, rheumatoid arthritis, testimonial  //  Comments Off on 180 Program Testimonial – Rheumatoid Arthritis
Feedback from 180 Program Graduate RA Hey I wanted to let you know that I am doing really well with the RA and sticking with the diet.  My symptoms are almost gone (seems to be getting a little better every week).  Even my most troubled finger is very good with a little swelling just in [...]

180 Program Testimonial Rheumatoid Arthritis, Energy, Mood, Food Cravings

Apr 27, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   180 Nutrition Program, functionalps, General, rheumatoid arthritis, testimonial  //  Comments Off on 180 Program Testimonial – Rheumatoid Arthritis, Energy, Mood, Food Cravings
Feedback from a 180 Nutrition Program Graduate Inflammation, Thyroid I experienced several benefits from the program, but the two primary benefits were: 1. I’m 99.9% RA pain free using Ray Peat recommendations. 2. It helped increase my thyroid function by increasing my temperature 2°. Energy, Mood, and Cravings My energy level increased tremendously.  I no [...]

180 Program Testimonial Inflammation, Energy, Mood, Food Cravings

Apr 27, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   180 Nutrition Program, functionalps, General, testimonial  //  Comments Off on 180 Program Testimonial – Inflammation, Energy, Mood, Food Cravings
Feedback from a 180 Nutrition Program Graduate Inflammation, Thyroid I experienced several benefits from the program, but the two primary benefits were 1. It helped reduce the inflammation symptoms I experienced from rheumatoid arthritis. 2. It helped increase my thyroid function by increasing my temperature 2°. Energy, Mood, and Cravings My energy level increased tremendously.  [...]

180 Program Testimonial Salt, Food Cravings, Gelatin

Apr 27, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   180 Nutrition Program, functionalps, General  //  Comments Off on 180 Program Testimonial – Salt, Food Cravings, Gelatin
Feedback from a 180 Nutrition Program Graduate Salt Improves Circulation Last few years, traveling on the plane was becoming so uncomfortable for me. After 13 hour flights to Japan, my legs get so puffy. It used to be easier to get rid of this problem after the flight when I was younger, I just had [...]

Don’t Be Conned By The Resveratrol Scam

Apr 27, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   General  //  Comments Off on Don’t Be Conned By The Resveratrol Scam
by Dr Raymond Peat A year ago GlaxoSmithKline bought Sirtris, a company focusing on the biological effects of resveratrol, for $720,000,000. Harvard Medical School’s website, and broadcasts by Barbara Walters and Morley Safer have publicized resveratrol as a longevity-increasing drug, and millions of people are spending large amounts of money for resveratrol capsules. The main [...]

FPS Training Rates

Apr 26, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   General, Training Rates  //  Comments Off on FPS Training Rates
Training Rates (effective April 25th, 2011) FPS Membership rates are good for four weeks with a number of sessions weekly of your choosing. All fees for unlimited sessions are paid upfront in full – cash, check, paypal (debit/credit). I will match the rates of any other fitness professional that your friends or family may be working [...]

Energy, structure, and carbon dioxide: A realistic view of the organism

Apr 23, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   carbon dioxide, General, Ray Peat  //  Comments Off on Energy, structure, and carbon dioxide: A realistic view of the organism
by Ray Peat, PhD “But the philosophy of Causes & Consequences misled Lavater as it has all his Contemporaries. Each thing is its own cause & its own effect.” W. Blake, c. 1788 What could be more important to understand than biological energy? Thought, growth, movement, every philosophical and practical issue involves the nature of [...]

Genes, Carbon Dioxide and Adaptation

Apr 23, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   carbon dioxide, co2, General  //  Comments Off on Genes, Carbon Dioxide and Adaptation
by Ray Peat, PhD “Over the oxygen supply of the body carbon dioxide spreads its protecting wings.” Friedrich Miescher, Swiss physiologist, 1885 To reach useful simplicities, we usually have to sift through the accumulated rationalizations previous generations have produced to justify doing things their way. If we could start with an accurate understanding of what [...]

Mitochondria and mortality

Apr 23, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   General  //  Comments Off on Mitochondria and mortality
by Ray Peat, PhD Diet, exercise, and medicine, damaging or repairing respiratory metabolism MAIN IDEAS AND CONTEXTS Lactic acid and carbon dioxide have opposing effects. Intense exercise damages cells in ways that cumulatively impair metabolism. There is clear evidence that glycolysis, producing lactic acid from glucose, has toxic effects, suppressing respiration and killing cells. Within [...]

Stress and Water

Apr 23, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   energy, functionalps, General, Ray Peat, stress, thyroid, water  //  Comments Off on Stress and Water
by Ray Peat, PhD The biological idea of stress refers to the difficulty of adapting, and this involves energy, structure, and insight/orientation. Given enough energy, we can often adjust our structure to achieve full adaptation, and with insight, we can minimize the amount of energy and structural change needed, for example just by a change [...]
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