Functional Performance Systems Services and Rates
FPS offers both training and nutrition services that can be used separately or in combination. Payment can be made by check (made out to “RRT Management, LLC”), Zelle or Chase QuickPay (, Venmo (functionalps), or debit/credit/bank account via Paypal ( Initial 15 minute phone consultations are FREE. Please call or text 818.926.5154 or email today to set up an appointment to get your questions answered!
Strength and Fitness
One-on-One Private Movement and Strength Training
Small Group Movement and Strength Training
Sports Performance Movement and Strength Training
Nutrition and Lifestyle
Private Movement and Strength Training Services Overview
Would you go to a doctor that offered the same treatment for every patient regardless of their individual health complaint? Would you go to a mechanic that fixes the same part on every car without diagnosing each car’s problem? Unlikely in both cases. However, when it comes to our health and fitness this is what is occurring – one size fits all programs. Boot Camps, crossfit, and large group classes function according to this strategy. FPS works on a different paradigm. The niche for FPS is privacy, personalization, and attention to detail at affordable prices!
FPS is a private-training facility. When we say private, we mean private. It’s only you and Rob (owner) in the studio. No distractions. No one stealing your machine when you go for water. You’re either working, resting, or being coached during the entire session. This atmosphere facilitates focused and efficient training. FPS trains a diverse clientele from the grade schooler, to the housewife, to the high school, collegiate, or professional athlete.
One-on-One Private Movement and Strength Training
Resistance training is an important ingredient necessary to change your strength and performance level, and in turn, the way you look. For both men and women, strength training combined with sound nutrition and lifestyle practices is the best path to a new and improved you! Your body needs the right incentive to change for the long-term. Those with low strength levels will have a physique that reflects this low performance capability. One of the primary catalysts for sustainable body transformation is moving better (locomotion/biomechanics), staying out of pain, and getting stronger. Your favorite athlete or fitness model doesn’t have a nice physique as a consequence of starving themselves (i.e. “dieting”). Their physique is a byproduct of their long-term training consistency and their performance level. It’s time to stop dieting and wasting time with the elliptical and treadmill, and start focusing on consistently moving better and a higher level of strength and performance.
Small Group Movement and Strength Training (2 people)
Fitness training with a friend can be really fun. Bring someone along with similar fitness goals and skill level as yourself to create a friendly yet competitive training environment that can make your personalized sessions fly by. Another advantage is that you can split costs with others to make your training more affordable! Please inquire about custom group training rates.
Sports Performance Movement and Strength Training
Are you moving and training like a bodybuilder or an athlete? Do you know your weak points? Is a lack of stamina affecting your performance at the end of a game? Are poor movement mechanics, nagging pain, or reoccurring injuries holding you back from being a better athlete? Do you have the mindset, work ethic, and confidence to be a great athlete? These questions and more will be addressed when training with FPS for sports performance. Become the resilient, dominant player nobody wants to play against. Take advantage of the rare opportunity to train like a pro with a former pro!
Go to topTraining Rates
FPS Membership rates are valid for four weeks with a number of sessions weekly of your choosing for a duration of either 45 or 60 minutes. All training fees are paid upfront in full. Payment can be made by check (made out to “RRT Management, LLC”), Zelle or Chase QuickPay (, Venmo (functionalps), or debit/credit/bank account via Paypal ( Use the matrix below to first select your session length from the left side (blue section) and then select the number of sessions you desire per week from the top (green section). Your rate is indicated by where your two selections intersect (red section).

Nutrition and Training Combo
Nutrition consulting and training can be combined for improved outcomes. For example, if you wish to train 3x a week for 45 minutes but also want to do one nutrition coaching session for 45 minutes each week of your membership period, all you have to do is buy a 4x a week 45 minute training membership.
Non-Membership Rates
If you decide you don’t want to purchase a membership, your rate will default to the rates seen below. Unlike session rates for a membership, the rates below expire three months from the day you start to use them unlike the membership rates which expire in four weeks. Non-membership rates provide greater schedule and cancellation flexibility relative to membership rates.
FPS Single Session Rates
60 Minute Session – $85
45 Minute Session – $75
30 Minute Circuit – $65
A la Carte Physical Assessment – $85
FPS Gold Package – Bulk Session Rates
Twelve 60 Minute Sessions – $760
Twelve 45 Minute Sessions – $600
Please inquire about a custom training rate for small-group training sessions.
Go to topNutrition and Lifestyle Education
“For the present, the important thing is to avoid the use of the least appropriate food products, while choosing natural foods that have historical, epidemiological, and biochemical justification.” –Ray Peat, PhD
There are four options available for clients looking to get Ray Peat inspired nutrition education from FPS. Nutrition services are available for both local clients and long-distance clients living in the US and abroad. At the current time, we are proud to have five Peat Nutrition Consultants authorized to coach the Popping the Food Bubble program material. Those individuals are: Dodie Anderson (Eastern United States), Emma Sgourakis (Australia), Kitty Blomfield (Australia), Jenny Piela (Eastern United States), and Rob Turner (Western United States). Please call or text 818.926.5154 or email if you’re interested in nutrition services or in joining our exclusive team of Peat Nutrition Consultants.
Option 1: Popping the Food Bubble (PFB) Full Program
If you’ve ever read Dr. Peat’s material, it can be difficult to understand and piece together the information adequately to fully implement his ideas. FPS has solved that problem! The Popping the Food Bubble nutrition program provides insight into 40 years of writings by Ray Peat, PhD in a usable and understandable format. The objective of the course lessons is to present the nutritional fundamentals espoused by Ray Peat, PhD. Once the fundamentals are down, you will no longer be tricked by fad-diet programs that are illogical and have limited scope.
Prior to starting the informational program, the client receives and completes assessment documentation to establish goals and self awareness. The assessment documentation allows FPS to tailor the message in relation to the client’s stated objectives. The PFB Program consists of 12 lessons which span over 12 weeks. The first eight lesson provide insight into ‘what’ to do while the final four lessons go into more detail about ‘why’ you’re doing it with the goal of forming a more complete understanding of the interactions between food intake and your body. The following is a lesson by lesson breakdown of the program and the major topics that are discussed:
12 Lessons
1. Picture of your Health, Blood Sugar
2. Food Selection, Macronutrients, Meals, Digestion
3. Fat, Coconut Oil
4. Carbohydrate, Orange Juice
5. Protein, Gelatin
6. Salt, Coffee
7. Cholesterol, Dairy
8. Supplements, Light
9. Endotoxin, Serotonin, Vegetarianism
10. Stress and Hormones, Estrogen, Xenoestrogens
11. Thyroid, Exercise
12. Restoring Health, Past is Your Present
A complete Table of Contents can be downloaded here.
Included in each lesson of the full program is a narrative, powerpoint slides, recipes, and meal/snack ideas. During weekly phone conversations, the lesson material is reviewed, questions are answered, and FPS provides a “To Do” list to complete prior to the next week’s consultation. After each each phone lesson, the next week’s material is emailed and the process continues until the program is completed. By the end of the course, each client has amassed a comprehensive nutrition manual that they can reread and reference as needed. All 12 lessons of educational material, recipes, meal/snack ideas, and diet log review over three months cost only $1020! A la carte lessons can be purchased for $130 each. Click here to read what several graduates of the Food Bubble course are saying.
Option 2: Popping the Food Bubble (PFB) Short Program
The short program takes around eight weights to complete and consists of the first eight lessons of the Full Popping the Food Bubble Program. All eight lessons, recipes, meal/snack ideas, and diet log review over two months cost only $780! A la carte lessons can be purchased for $130 each.
Option 3: Private phone consultations
You can discuss your specific nutrition-related questions with FPS over the phone or via Skype. Phone consultations last 30 or 60 minute for $60 or $110 respectively. This option is ideal for those with a good base understanding of Dr. Peat’s material and have just a few questions that need clarifying. Graduates of the Popping the Food Bubble course that desire further coaching can also take advantage of this low-cost option.
Option 4: Private email consultations
With email consultations, the client provides FPS with three to six questions he/she has and a written response with relevant answers and supporting material is provided. A flat rate of $120 for email consultations is usually charged, but special circumstances can change that rate both up and down. This rate includes review of assessment documents, email planning, and authoring the email. Because this option uses more of my time, it’s more expensive than a phone consultation.
15 minute initial nutritional consultations with FPS are FREE. Please call or text 818.926.5154 or email today to set up an appointment to get your questions answered!
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